Do you love eating fish? Have you ever heard and tasted this delicious food called House Made Fish Board? It is a unique and rare to find a recipe that can now be tasted at Taverna! But how is it being prepared?


Housemade Fish Board takes the process of curing before it goes to your plate. It takes a lot of work before you get to taste it as it undergoes a process that makes the recipe delightful too. But have you heard how curing happens? Wikipedia says that curing occurs by subjecting it to fermentation, pickling, smoking, or some combination of these before it is eaten. It can also be salted and brined. These food preservation processes can include adding salt, nitrates or sugar, it can involve smoking and flavoring the fish, and may include cooking it. The earliest form of curing fish was dehydration.


The term “cure” is derived from the Latin curare, meaning to take care of. It was first recorded in reference to fish in 1743.” The fish salting process was practiced thousands of years ago. Since the catch was plenty, the next challenge was how to preserve it. Started in ancient times, England and Norway began to have a bigger income by selling cured herring, cod, and salmon to Southern European countries. Fish was also traded for olive oil, wine, and dry fruit; products that would not grow in a cold climate. The Discovery of America in 1492 by Christopher Columbus has given away to trade. Spain was busy conquering islands and countries in South America, but England followed the shortest route and started to establish new settlements on the Northern Atlantic coast, first in Newfoundland, then in New England Fish was used for trading. Early colonists would not have been able to survive without fish as the climate was harsh and the soil was poor. But fish was plentiful and cured fish became their main source of income. This also opened a lot of trading opportunities and more shipping lines. According to records, in 1580 more than 300 ships from Europe were engaged in salting cod.


The process of curing fish became the main method until Nicholas Appert invented the canning process in 1810. Housemade fish curing is still being practiced today only in remote areas. But fish curing is still popular in Europe as it originated there, and people have come to include it as part of their traditional menu. Aside from bringing its delicious taste, the process of curing fish has been passed from generation to generation.


However, Tsarevna offers a more impressive feast with its Housemade Fish Board because they process their fish curing. This is the reason why it is called housemade. It gives a distinctive taste plus the process of curing makes a lot of difference. You are guaranteed that the finest ingredients are being used and the curing method passes through with enthusiasm, thinking about all the food lovers out there.


Come and visit Tsareva and taste our housemade fish board which you will surely love!



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